This blog is almost 7 months on the net!!!I felt so proud to get this chance to share with you some kerawang design in this blog with you guys (although the design is not too much..hahaha).
Hope this blog help you a little much in design something like card, assignment cover, poster and so on. Sory that i cannot updates this blog too frequent because of by busyness as a student(my lecture love to give me a lot of assigment=)..but don't worry, there is still a lot of design in my collection...just keep to visit my blog to get the latest updates of my design..
As my appreciation to you guys, kindly i want to give you away "
25 Exlusives Kerawang Design" collection for FREE..yes 100% FREE!!! just click the image below to go to the download page..

Hope you like it and thank also to all my follower; Najwa, Dika, milea and ramzie..
you guys make me more exited to post more in this blog=)
Thank guys..